Readers write
- "I read the book. Very impressed! I started the same evening I got it and put down before I was done only because we had to go to diner.
My compliments for a well-written book. It has a nice flow of the thoughts and well structured sentences. The story is poignant and it reflects the emotions of all of us who are caught in the dilemma of believing the ideal that is this country versus the actual painful truth once you slightly dig beneath the surface or as you have experienced, actually have to face the side that we always ignore - maybe wishing that it goes away. Congratulations again and glad you documented this experience, which I bet many share but have not put it on paper yet." Have you shared your book with the ACLU? Or with the ADC? - Hind A.A., Peoria, IL - "Your book is very good and nicely written. I felt as if some was sitting right next to me and narrating the story. It had lot of emotional and funny moments and I learned a few thing about the politics in Algeria. I finished reading the book in three days. When I got to the last page, I was so disappointed to know that there was nothing more and the book finished. That can indicate how involved in the story. I have to really appreciate you writing the book and sharing it with us." - Deepti, Peoria, IL.
- "I live in the same city as Zighen Aym, and am fortunate to have come to know him, though not at the time of his FBI experience. I must confess, had I been driving Route 66 that day and spotted the tall “Middle Eastern” man on the railroad tracks, camera in hand, I too would have notified the authorities of his “suspicious behavior”. For this I feel shame. However, to deny it would be two wrongs, and a perpetuation of the evil he faced – the evil we all face, and must strive to overcome.
What a wonderful book. It provides an insight that a white American who grew up in rural Minnesota and now living in America’s heartland could never gain on his own. Without such insight, profiling is simply logical; it makes perfect sense. Only by embracing diversity and educating ourselves can we overcome this mindset. And only by overcoming this mindset can we ever truly defeat the fear – the terrorism – that plagues us. This work is one step to that end, written with a unique personal view that fosters an intimate understanding of the author. I recommend it to all." - Jeff F., Bloomington-Normal, IL. - "I enjoyed reading your book. But your wife was right. That was stupid of you." - S.B., New York, NY, USA
- "You were so naive." - J.B., Prof. of Sociology, New Orleans, LA, USA.
"This is the first book I read twice." - B.M, Kokomo, IN. - "You did us a service when you wrote this book." - H.D., Chicago, IL.
- "I have read the book by Zighen Aym, but haven't yet finished reading Regard Blessé because I also have much classwork to finish. The tragedies and terrors expressed in both these readings made me cry. These powerfully sensitive writings touched my heart to such a depth that emotion literally poured out of me. So many parallels exist between the politico-religious, militaristic oppression of a poor, helpless population by the Algerian government and the current practices of Bush and his neo-con cronies - not surprising since the US supported the Algerian leadership's brutalities." - A friend in Montana.
- "I finished the book last week sorry about not calling/email you sooner. It was good. It had a lot of information and history about Algeria and that was cool because I did not know any of that stuff. I think you did a good job of displaying your experience and emotion." K. Campbell, Illinois
- "Thanks for letting me know about the book. It was very interesting reading. One cannot relate to some of the events unless one has personally go through them. I am sure that it express not only your feelings but those of many other people who went through such unjustified treatment. The issue is not personal anymore. From your book, I can say that the issue has been transformed into a class issue, which is has a VERY long history in the known recorded history of the world. To be very precise, I mean racial discrimination and the user of power against the weak. Interestingly, many people are hiding behind the patriotism, and misusing the idea. That is a moral corruption. I am sure your book will bring an awareness among many people and help them to understand the other side." - M.D, Peoria, Illinois.
- "I have just read this book by Zighen Aym and I found it very interesting indeed, and well written. I liked the way in which the Algerian and American political situations were linked, and the fact that the book shows how policies have impact upon specific individuals. It was also a moving testimony and likely to provoke much thought and questioning. Many thanks again for passing this book on to me." - Jim, United Kingdom.
- "Still Moments is a one man's story of what might be a defining moment in his life,his survival despite ethnic/racial profiling. The thoughts of terrorism produce fear in different people,in different ways, in different situations This book is a must-read for those who want to know how one man dealt with this fear and shares his experience." - Kathy Chamberlin, Illinois.
Lecteurs et Lectrices
- "Je viens juste de finir ce livre-témoignage de Zighen. J'avoue qu'il m'a touchée au plus haut point. Il y a d'abord cette parano qui habite les acteurs de la lutte anti-terroristes de par le monde. Beaucoup d'innocents ont été sacrifiés par erreur ou confusion. Il y a aussi cette équation du monde occidental qui laisse perplexe: brun=maghrébin=terroriste. Depuis le 11 septembre 2001, l'Amérique a repris son Maccartisme mais cette fois-ci contre les musulmans notamment du Maghreb. La chasse aux sorcières a eu la bénédiction de Bush et par ricochet du citoyen américain terrorisé par la peur de se faire tuer par les terroristes.
- Still Moments: A story about faded dreams and forbidden pictures est aussi un retour sur la douleur et les plaies de l'Algérie des années 90, les abus de l'Algérie du FLN, le combat des démocrates, le mariage tacite entre le pouvoir et les islamistes contre la famille qui avance.
Le livre est très bien écrit. Zighen a le mérite d'écrire ce qu'il a vécu ou plutôt ce qu'il a subi de la part du FBI. Il a aussi le mérite d'écrire son regard de l'Amérique et de l'Algérie d'une façon à éclairer l'opinion publique américaine et pour quoi pas à secouer le tout sécuritaire à revoir ses stratégies qui pour le moment n'ont rien à envier aux dépassements de certains pouvoirs totalitaires.
Merci Zighen pour ce livre et je te souhaite de continuer à en écrire d'autres. Je pense que la plume demeure l'un des meilleurs combats de l'humanité." - Djamila A.
- "On ne peut pas rester indifférent a tout ce qu'il y a autour de nous. Malgré toutes les différences telles qu'elles sont perçues par nous, Imazighen, on ne peut pas ignorer les perceptions des autres qui nous mettent tous dans le même pétrin. Pour vous convaincre, allez voir le témoignage de Zighen Aym tel qu'il est décrit dans son livre qui vient de paraître: "Still Moments: A story about faded dreams and forbidden pictures." - Belkacem M., Maryland.
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