A case in point is the recent editorial piece by Jennifer A. Marshall of the Heritage Foundation. Ms. Marshall cites the 2010 State Department report on religious freedoms around the world. She takes great care and mentions Iran, North Korea, and Mura but refrained from naming the other five countries.
In alphabetical order, they are: Burma, China, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Uzbekistan, making them the 2010 CPSs, “countries of particular concern."
The main US allies in this list are: Saudi Arabia and China. Yet, Ms Marshall did not get name them in her editorial piece, which has been published in many newspapers around the country. Such selective naming, that of removing the names of US allies, is clearly a disinformation and does not allow the America people from reading in their local papers that the US allies do not secure religious freedom for their citizens.
One particular country cited in the report but not in Jennifer Marshall’s list is Egypt, which has received almost $40 billion in U.S. military aid since 1980, and $28 billion in economic and developmental aid since 1975– received low marks on religious liberty. That is $68 billion of American taxpayers’ money.
Saudi Arabia has also about to finalize its largest arms deals in American history when it will buy $60.5 billion in military hardware in 2010. I bet Ms. Marshall does not want the American people to know that the US arms the same countries whose repressive policies are in contradiction to American values of freedom, liberty and justice.
Isn't this hypocrisy? It's a someone who claims not to steal, lie, or kill but then asscoiates with killers, liers and thiefs.
It is time for the US government to "walk the talk."
Did I read somewhere that America has no credility whatsoever for follow its claims of supporting human rights, justice, and liberty abroad?