I brought back these two beers to share with my neighbor, Jim, a beer and wine connoisseur. Well, he said that they resemble Coors light, a known beer in the USA. Jim correctly indicated that the Albraü had a taste that indicated a lot of adjuncts. I checked its label and fount it included a multitude of adjuncts: They are the colorants SIN150D and SIN150C, the stabilizing agents SIN414 and SIN405, and the antioxidant SIN300 and the protease SIN1101(1). I tried to find out what these are. I did not find anything on the internet. The Samba beer did not indicate these ingredients.
Jim said the the Samba was a much better quality beer than the Albraü. Their alcohol level contents were 4.2 % and 4.6% for the Albraü and Samba beers, respectively.