I woke up early and decided to go downstairs, and my wife and my youngest daughter were still in the arms of Morpheus, the God of Sleep. I started the coffee maker to please my wife: She loves getting up in the week-end and finding the house filled with her favorite coffee aroma. I poured myself a cup, picked the book The Craft of Writing by William Sloan. The air was cool, and I felt cold in my toes, enjoyed the tingling and did not want to put socks on.
As I started to read, the birds sang for me. Some sang from across the pond in my neighborhood
while others sang from the trees next to Jim’s house. I saw six starlings flew to his roof, and two started to play and jump on each other. The others rested on his TV antenna. A crown flew to the edge of the pond and started to peacefully devour something. Further away, I caught a pair of ducks taking off from the pond. As they flapped their wings close the water surface, I noticed distinguish the water ripples and fade away. Both flew in my direction and I followed their almost rectilinear flight path. Soon they were 20 feet above me. Because they covered their webbed feet with feathers, their body looked like that of a cargo plane.
A beautiful northern cardinal flew and landed on a two-foot tall cable connection pole behind my house. It jumped onto the grass and caught a green insect, jumped back up to the top of the pole before flying
The sun started to shine on some pretty flowers next to me. My eyes caught the sparkling of the morning dew on the grass and talk weeds. That is when I ran into the basement and prepared my camera to shoot a few pictures. That's another one of my hobbies.
On some dew drops on a prickly sowthistle, I saw the reflections of the houses across the pond as well as Jim’s house and the tall tree next to it.
It has been a good day, filled with small aspects of nature.